Monday, July 30, 2007

EGA Newsletter Prizes, SF and bead block

Sign up for the Etsy Glass Artists newsletter and win free schwag! August's prize is coming from your's truly. :) I'll post a picture of it later this week.

Yesterday, Mark and I drove up through Half Moon Bay and Pacifica on our way to San Francisco. I've lived here in the bay area about a bajillion years and I have never driven through HMB or Pacifica! The scenery was quite pretty. Mark and I were going to walk the dog in Pacifica but it was kinda ... gosh, I don't want to make anybody from Pacifica mad but it was a little run down and full of sketchy types, if you know what I mean. I was kind of surprised. Anyway, we just kept driving and walked the dog all over the Presidio, which was absolutely gorgeous. They've made it a national park now. Cool!

I've been out making beads all day today. It's kinda warm but only for a few hours and then it gets cool again by 6pm. I have an order to start and another to finish. I also need to figure out what to make for the EGA newsletter giveaway. They need the photos by Wed. morning. Not a good time to have bead block...

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