Friday night I drove to Kim's house!!! It's a couple hours away but I managed to turn the journey into more like 4 hours. I should have checked actual maps before I got in the car, I think. I've never been to her town and if it was a question on a quiz, I couldn't even tell you what county it was in. Not good. But, I figured, "Hey, I have my GPS. How hard could it be?" Well, we all know the answer to that question is, "Pretty f#*!
ing hard."
LOL! The GPS mapped the route but since I haven't exactly fully figured out how to use the thing, I couldn't see the whole route, just the part I was currently on. Not. Good. Still, I wasn't worried.
Everything was going along swimmingly until I got to Oakland. Oh my stars, what kind of
psychotic freak designed the freeway interchanges in that town? Well, I won't bore you with the details but GyPSy (what I started calling my GPS by that time) and I had a little disagreement about what she meant by "stay on this road" and I ended up on the Bay Bridge while GyPSy figured out how to bail me out of this mess.
Unfortunately, or if you are the adventurous type, fortunately, I ended up dropped in the middle of downtown San Francisco with no idea where I was going. GyPSy kept rebooting because the stress of my stern discussions with her were starting to overload her delicate nature or something. I started to panic and started chanting, alternating between "I will not cry" and "You can't just leave me here, GyPSy!" Finally, GyPSy decided to not quit her job and find someone less crazy to work for and gave me directions to the Golden Gate Bridge, I think. Some freeway that got me onto 101, anyway. I couldn't tell you which one because, at this point, I was driving with my eyes firmly transfixed on GyPSy's screen.
Ahhh, let the traffic jam begin. When I hit 101, I had a lot of time to stare at the screen. Not much moving. Very little driving was involved. I finished my now-stale Diet Pepsi and munched on a little beef jerky I had brought along. Finally things started to pick up and I made it to her house in one piece and with most of my sanity back. YAY!
Kim was awesome!!! I got the house tour where the highlight was definitely the studio where she works her torch magic. She also has another room that she calls the craft room where she has the most awesome table set up with all her jewelry making, electroforming, packing, shipping, and silver work stuff. On top of that, she even had a fabulously comfy bed for me to sleep on in the guest room. I tell you, my family better watch out. Kim's place is pretty tempting.
We went out to get some finger food and drinks and ended up sitting there and talking for HOURS! It was great therapy to have someone to talk to, face to face, who really gets you. I had just the best time.
I was sad to go on Saturday but I can't leave The Puppy alone with Mark for too long. She starts to love him best if I do.
Sunday, Mark and I went to the
Kwik E Mart in Mountain View! The whole place has been
de-7-11ed and turned into The Simpson's favorite place to get comic books,
Squishies and pink frosted donuts. I loved it! The place was packed with people and since it was Sunday afternoon, most of the Simpson's merchandise had been bought out already but it was fun anyway. We got a big gulp and a pink frosted donut. Yummy! I only had one bite because that is
definitely not on my diet.

Mark and I were discussing why they picked this 7-11 to use as the
Kwik E Mart. We think this one got picked because it is really close to
Google's headquarters, it's a new store, and it's right next to Starbucks.