Monday, May 16, 2011

I have some things to add...

I did a pretty long diatribe on how to create and maintain an etsy store a while back.  I have some addendums to make, mostly about how, if you work it right, you may not even need one! 

I've been recently selling beads straight off my facebook page.  No fees, other than paypal.  Sweet!  I just post pictures of the beads and people say "mine" and there you go, Bob's your uncle, they're on their way to a new home.  Well, there's a paypal transaction in there somewhere but you get my drift.  Yes, there is more back and forth communication needed since it's not quite so automated as Etsy but I kind of like that, actually. 

So, give it a try! 

In other news, I have more beads to show (already on their way to their new home) and some new murrini, too.


Meghann said...

Very pretty! I hope to one day be able to sell like that, it would be wonderful, I think I'd finally believe I'd "made it" :)
Best of luck and continued successes,

Lori Peterson said...

Thank you Meg! And thank you for dropping by to read my blog, too!

Linda Aliogo said...

These beads are really pretty. Where did you get these beads and how expensive are they? Thanks. By the way, your work is lovely. Just started my jewelry business...

Lori Peterson said...

Hi Linda!
I made the beads. They are $7 per bead, plus a couple bucks for shipping. Thank you so much for the compliment! Good luck with your new business!
Love, Lori