Monday, October 13, 2008

My Baby's First JOB!!!

Desiree got a real job, in a real salon! She starts tomorrow morning! She is over-the-moon excited and verrrrrrrrry nervous, too. She has a two week trial period, of course, but she has a real, honest to goodness J.O.B.
I am very, very proud of her. In fact, I am as proud as a ... peacock!


angelinabeadalina said...

Congratulations, Desiree! Hope those two weeks fly by for you, bringing you lots of loyal customers and lots of respect from the bosses :) You're gonna be great!

Lori, the peacock is too cute!

marcy said...

Hooray for Desiree! I'm glad for mom and daughter. I hope that you're bringing her to the next Gathering so we all can get makeovers!

Lori Peterson said...

Thanks Girls!!!!
I am pacing like a mother hen today. I can't wait until she gets home!!!

Marcy, that sounds like a good idea! Makeovers for everybody!!!

tami and todd said...

Wow! That peacock is gorgeous! I love that blue... amazing :)

Spooning Recipes said...

Thank you for shariing this