Tuesday, May 13, 2008

New Hampshire Pictures

We went to northern New Hampshire for a business meeting. We stayed in Dixville Notch at The Balsams resort. It is an amazing place that is more beautiful I could have ever imagined.

Here's a sign that details why Dixville Notch is such a special place (especially this year!) It's where the very first votes are cast for the presidential primaries.

Here's the sign at the entrance to the resort:

Here's a wide shot of the whole resort. It was built in the late 1800's. The building details are incredible.

Here's a funny sign that they really do enforce. It's like stepping back in time. It was fun to dress for dinner, though. I thought I would hate it, being from laid-back California and all. But, I got a kick out of it, really.

Here's a photo of the room where the actual voting takes place at midnight during the primary. The candidates meet with all (lol - all 17) the residents of Dixville Notch and then they vote.

There's just beautiful scenery everywhere!

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